Re: Wanted: hackers for tiger team (new england area)

G.J.W. Hagenaars (
Tue, 4 Oct 1994 01:54:00 -0400 (EDT)

Apparently Brad Powell wrote:
% Christopher William Klaus  <> writes:
% >All kidding aside, how much will a company pay to be broken into?  Has 
% >anyone here hired a tiger team and did they find the investment worth it?
% being able to break into machines does not always mean the breaker is
% capable of understanding the proper ways of securing machines.

Which is exactly why you need a tiger TEAM. Consisting of ppl who are
experts in different areas. A team of one is not much of a team.

% As long as we can be sure the person/group is going to tell _all_
% that they found..... then we are interested in paying/contracting ect..
% We don't want to pay someone to bang on the doors and then tell us 1/2
% of our bugs and then tell the cracker comunity the other half :-) :-(
% :-(.... The half we get is commonly the half we already know e.g. not
% worth our time/money.

This is rich... You get a tigerteam to bang on the doors, and you
haven't even plugged all the old holes yet? I could understand this if
you were a normal everyday company, just on the road to get their
internet connection up and running. But not from Sun Microsystems Inc.
You guys are supposed to be able to fix things from source, right?

And if you'd want to know exactly what the "doorknockers" are up to...
ever considered logging keystrokes?

% trust is something to be earned not assumed.

I trust /etc/hosts.equiv does not contain wildcards when shipped, do I
assume correct?

% =======================================================================
%                The views expressed are those of the author and may
%                   not reflect the views of Sun Microsystems Inc.
% =======================================================================

Of course, we wouldn't have it any other way.

G.J.W. Hagenaars ----------------> Remembering Mike Carty 1968-1994 -------> Postmaster National Capital FreeNet -------------------> Co Software Installer CANARIE Inc. -------> I'm Dutch, what's _your_ excuse?